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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

In October, SLAC installed the first of LCLS-II’s cryogenic “feed caps” and “end caps.”

Press Release

Remarkable cryo-EM images that reveal details down to the individual atom will yield new insights into why high-energy batteries fail.

A lithium metal dendrite, taken with cryogenic electron microscopy or cryo-EM
News Feature

The astrophysicist is recognized for her leadership, mentorship and innovative work in understanding how galaxies form.

News Feature

The Advanced LIGO gravitational wave detectors have announced their first observation of a binary neutron star coalescence.

News Feature

Lithium ion batteries may remain tops for sheer performance, but when cost-per-storage is factored in, a design based on sodium ions offers promise; research...

News Feature

The X-ray scientist is honored for 20 years of beamline and instrumentation design, operation and scientific support at SLAC’s synchrotron.

Matthew Latimer receives the Farrel W. Lytle Award.
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

A Radio for Dark Matter

Instead of searching for dark matter particles, a new device will search for dark matter waves.

Dark Matter Radio Team
News Feature

This novel method could shrink the equipment needed to make laser pulses billionths of a billionth of a second long for studying ultra-speedy electron...

In this illustration, a near-infrared laser beam hits a piece of ordinary glass and triggers a process called high harmonic generation
News Feature

The early career award from SLAC’s X-ray laser recognizes Kjaer’s work in ultrafast X-ray science.

photo of Kasper Kjaer in Panofsky Auditorium
News Feature

More than 100 students worked on projects ranging from website development to imaging techniques for X-ray studies, learning new ways to apply their talents.

SSRL interns Sabine Hollatz, left, and Anastasiia Makhniaieva, right
News Feature

With SLAC’s X-ray laser, a research team captured ultrafast changes in fluorescent proteins between “dark” and “light” states. The insights allowed the scientists to...

Aequorea victoria, a bioluminescent jellyfish
Press Release

It's the first to employ AI to help the grid manage power fluctuations, resist damage and recover faster from storms, solar eclipses, cyberattacks and...

Electric grid components.