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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

This summer, five graduate students from the University of Puerto Rico had the opportunity to use SLAC’s world-class facilities to keep their studies on...

University of Puerto Rico Interns
News Feature

A new imaging technique is allowing researchers to pinpoint ways of modifying drugs to avoid side effects.

Hasan DeMirci Ribosome
News Feature

A SLAC-Stanford study reveals exactly what it takes for diamond to crystallize around a “seed” cluster of atoms. The results apply to industrial processes...

Illustration of diamondoid and diamond crystals
News Feature

By observing changes in materials as they’re being synthesized, scientists hope to learn how they form and come up with recipes for making the...

Polymorph formation
News Feature

Tais Gorkhover, Michael Kagan, Kazuhiro Terao and Joshua Turner will each receive $2.5 million for research that studies fundamental particles, nanoscale objects, quantum materials...

Photos of SLAC's 2018 Early Career Award winners
News Feature

The X-ray laser movie shows what happens when light hits retinal, a key part of vision in animals and photosynthesis in microbes. The action...

An image of San Francisco Bay salt ponds from space
News Feature

Tiny pores in the shells of archaea microbes attract ammonium ions that are their sole source of energy, allowing them to thrive where this...

Artist's depiction of a tiny pore in an archaea's crystalline shell
News Feature

The researchers observed how an enzyme from drug-resistant tuberculosis bacteria damages an antibiotic molecule. The new technique provides a powerful tool to examine changes...

Photo - CXI instrument at LCLS
News Feature

The National Institutes of Health center on the SLAC campus will make this revolutionary technology available to scientists nationwide and teach them how to...

Cryo-EM image of a proton pump involved in maintaining bone
News Feature

Experiments at SLAC heated water from room temperature to 100,000 degrees Celsius in less than a millionth of a millionth of a second, producing...

Illustration of water molecules hit by X-ray laser
News Feature

SIMES scientists have developed a manganese-hydrogen battery that could fill a missing piece in the nation’s energy puzzle by storing wind and solar energy...

News Feature

Like turning a snowball back into fluffy snow, a new technique turns high-density materials into a lower-density one by applying the chemical equivalent of...

SLAC scientists working at SSRL experimental station