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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

New research will help in the quest to design low-cost drugs that can tackle postpartum bleeding and other conditions without severe side effects.

Misoprostol and EP3 receptor
News Feature

Researchers mapped trace elements within Pleistocene fossils to learn about the life of a long-extinct subspecies of spotted hyena.

Spotted hyena
News Feature

Revealed for the first time by a new X-ray laser technique, their surprisingly unruly response has profound implications for designing and controlling materials.

Illustration of laser light setting off vibrations in material
News Feature

Two studies led by SLAC and Stanford capture electron 'sound waves' and identify a positive feedback loop that may boost superconducting temperatures.

Illustration of study that reveals how coordinated motions of atoms boost superconductivity
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The 3-ton ruler

A specialized measuring machine at SLAC is helping scientists build precise detectors for the ATLAS experiment.

Measuring machine
News Feature

In a first, researchers measure extremely small and fast changes that occur in plasma when it’s zapped with a laser. Their technique will have...

LCLS Plasma Expansion
News Feature

The annual conference for scientists who conduct research at SLAC’s light sources engaged about 470 researchers in talks, workshops and discussions.

2018 Users Conference
Press Release

Experiments at SLAC and Berkeley Lab uproot long-held assumptions and will inform future battery design.

Lithium ion infographic
News Feature

In more than 185 experimental runs at SLAC’s synchrotron, he has pushed the envelope of both techniques and science.

Photo: Graham George
News Feature

Using SLAC’s X-ray synchrotron SSRL, Cao improves fundamental knowledge about how a new lithium-ion battery material works, which will help enable safer, longer-lasting devices.

Chuntian Cao
News Feature

Four scientists discuss X-ray experiments at SLAC’s synchrotron that reveal new insights into how a promising solar cell material forms.

Photo: Aryeh Gold-Parker, Chris Tassone, Kevin Stone and Mike Toney
News Feature

The SLAC Photowalk took a group of photographers, both amateur and professional, behind the scenes to photograph SLAC's world-class science facilities, including the world's...

Photowalk: CXI chamber