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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

The method dramatically reduces the amount of virus material required and allows scientists to get results several times faster.

Surface structure of the bovine enterovirus 2
News Feature

A recent discovery by scientists from the SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis could lead to a new, more sustainable way to make...

News Feature

Propagating “charge density wave” fluctuations are seen in superconducting copper oxides for the first time.

Illustration of electronic behavior in copper oxide materials
News Feature

A decade-long search ends at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, where researchers from The Scripps Research Institute emerge with a clear picture of how...

illustration of Lassa virus protein molecular structure
Press Release

When scientists at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory focused the full intensity of the world’s most powerful X-ray l

molecular black hole
News Feature

The Heavy Photon Search at Jefferson Lab is looking for a hypothetical particle from a hidden “dark sector.”

Heavy Photon Search.
News Feature

Frederico Fiuza and his team are conducting thorough investigations of plasma physics to discern the fundamental processes that accelerate particles.

News Feature

Claudio Pellegrini, a distinguished professor emeritus of physics at UCLA and adjunct professor of photon science at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator...

News Feature

Scientists have developed a new molybdenum-coated catalyst that more efficiently generates hydrogen gas, which could lead to a sustainable clean fuel source in the...

Graph of the photocatalytic water splitting performance
News Feature

A new study reveals that organic matter whose breakdown would yield only minimal energy for hungry microorganisms preferentially builds up in floodplains, illuminating a...

News Feature

Berkeley Lab is overseeing development of specialized undulators that will produce X-ray light at LCLS-II by wiggling electrons.

News Feature

Paul Fuoss, the new head of experimental design at LCLS, aims to make experiments at light sources here and around the world more productive...