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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

The goal of these X-ray studies is to find ways to improve manufacturing of specialized metal parts for the aerospace, aircraft, automotive and healthcare...

A metal 3-D printed sample.
News Feature

Unique device will create bunches of electrons to stimulate million-per-second X-ray pulses for LCLS-II.

News Feature

The staff scientist at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource discusses his research and teaching, which includes training an international group of students to conduct...

Aerial view of University of Southern California’s Wrigley Marine Science Center
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Symmetry: Machine Evolution

Planning the next big science machine requires consideration of both the current landscape and the distant future.

Press Release

They created a comprehensive picture of how the same chemical processes that give these cathodes their high capacity are also linked to changes in...

Electrode structure for lithium ion battery.
News Feature

These stripes of electron spin and charge are exciting because of their possible link to a phenomenon that could transform society by making electrical...

Illustration of spin and charge stripes modeled by computer
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Putting the Puzzle Together

Successful physics collaborations rely on cooperation between people from many different disciplines.

News Feature

Research with SLAC’s X-ray laser simulates what happens when a meteor hits Earth’s crust. The results suggest that scientists studying impact sites have been...

News Feature

Clothing made from a reversible fabric, developed in part by SIMES researchers, could warm or cool wearers and keep them comfortable, bringing down buildings’...

News Feature

A new way to observe this deformation as it happens can help study a wide range of phenomena, from meteor impacts to high-performance ceramics...

Image depicting an experiment at LCLS that shocks a tantalum sample
News Feature

Analysis of data from the BaBar experiment rules out theorized particle’s explanation for muon mystery.

BaBar experiment detector
News Feature

The cryogenic plant responsible for keeping LCLS-II’s superconducting linear accelerator at just a few degrees above absolute zero recently received its first warm helium...