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SIMES researchers study complex, novel materials that could transform the energy landscape by making computing much more efficient or transmitting power over long distances with no loss, for instance.

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Polarons, bubbles of distortion in a perovskite lattice.

News Feature

SLAC and Stanford scientists discovered that a single layer of tiny diamonds increases an electron gun’s emission 13,000 fold. Potential applications include electron microscopes...

Nick Melosh holds a model of a diamondoid
News Feature

SIMES scientists have discovered how to make the electrical wiring on top of solar cells nearly invisible to incoming light. The new design, which...

News Feature

SLAC, Stanford scientists discover that bombarding and stretching a catalyst opens holes on its surface and makes it much more reactive. Potential applications include...

Illustration of a catalyst being bombarded with argon atoms to create holes where chemical reactions can take place.
Press Release

A team led by SLAC scientists combined powerful magnetic pulses with some of the brightest X-rays on the planet to discover a surprising 3-D...

Image - In this artistic rendering, a magnetic pulse (right) and X-ray laser light (left) converge on a superconductor material to study the behavior of its electrons. (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
News Feature

A process developed by Stanford and SLAC scientists has potential for scaling up to manufacture clear, flexible electrodes for solar cells, displays and other...

Stanford and SLAC postdoctoral researcher Sean Andrews with solution shearing instrument
News Feature

A Stanford/SLAC study of an exotic material known as a magnetic insulator found the walls between its magnetic regions are conductive, opening new approaches...

An illustration of electrically conductive areas (blue) along the boundaries of tiny magnetic regions, or domains, in chunky grains of a material that normally doesn’t conduct electricity.
News Feature

The former Stanford graduate student, who did extensive research at SLAC, is being honored as an exceptional role model for women in science.

Ming Yi
News Feature

SIMES research, which confounds two decades of assumptions on lithium-ion battery design, could lead to better batteries with more power and greater capacity.

News Feature

In a first-of-its-kind experiment, scientists got a textbook-worthy result that may change the way matter is probed at X-ray free-electron lasers.

The Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser at SLAC
News Feature

A SLAC/Stanford manufacturing technique could help make inexpensive polymer-based solar cells an attractive alternative to silicon-crystal wafers.

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SUNCAT and SIMES researchers have received funding from Stanford's Global Climate and Energy Project to support research related to generating renewable fuels.

News Feature

In separate studies, researchers at Stanford and the University of Wisconsin-Madison report advances on chemical reactions essential to fuel-cell technology.