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SIMES researchers study complex, novel materials that could transform the energy landscape by making computing much more efficient or transmitting power over long distances with no loss, for instance.

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Polarons, bubbles of distortion in a perovskite lattice.

Press Release

  Scientists Craft Two Exotic Forms of Carbon into a Molecule for Steering Electron Flow

News Feature

Lee comes from MIT, where his team recently discovered a fundamentally new type of magnetic behavior in a mineral called herbertsmithite.

SLAC and Stanford Professor Young S. Lee
News Feature

SIMES Researcher Developed Innovative Printing Process

Image - Ying Diao
News Feature

Researchers have taken a big step toward accomplishing what battery designers have been trying to do for decades – design a pure lithium anode.

News Feature

Sulfur Cathode Experiments Test Chemistry Beyond Conventional Lithium-Ion

Photo - scientist preparing a dime-sized prototype battery
Press Release

Using high-brilliance X-rays, researchers track the process that fuel cells use to produce electricity, knowledge that will help make large-scale

News Feature

Researchers from Oxford, SIMES and Berkeley Lab say cadmium arsenide could yield practical devices with the same extraordinary electronic properties as 2-D graphene.

This illustration depicts fast-moving, massless electrons inside the material.
News Feature
VIA Stanford Energy

A New Way to Harness Waste Heat

A new battery design harnesses waste heat in a four-step process: heating, charging, cooling and discharging.

News Feature

In a recent experiment at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, scientists "tickled" atoms to explore the flow of heat and energy across materials at...

Photo - A view of a materials science experimental setup at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL). The circular instrument that frames this photo is part of a diffractometer that was used to align samples and a detector with X-rays.
News Feature

SLAC-led researchers have made the first direct measurements of a small, extremely rapid atomic rearrangement that dramatically changes the properties of many important materials.

The transformation of cadmium sulfide nanocrystals
News Feature

Scientists at SLAC and Stanford show how high-temperature superconductivity emerges out of magnetism in an iron pnictide, a class of materials with great potential...

An illustration of electrons pairing up like dancers at a party
News Feature

SLAC's Siegfried Glenzer has been selected to receive an Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award, presented by the U.S. Secretary of Energy to honor scientists across...

Photo - Siegfried Glenzer