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Materials science RSS feed

 SLAC develops materials to improve the performance of batteries, fuel cells and other energy technologies and set the stage for technologies of the future.

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Energy sciences

In materials hit with light, individual atoms and vibrations take disorderly paths.

Press Release

Experiments at SLAC and Berkeley Lab uproot long-held assumptions and will inform future battery design.

Lithium ion infographic
News Feature

Four scientists discuss X-ray experiments at SLAC’s synchrotron that reveal new insights into how a promising solar cell material forms.

Photo: Aryeh Gold-Parker, Chris Tassone, Kevin Stone and Mike Toney
News Feature

A SLAC-Stanford study reveals exactly what it takes for diamond to crystallize around a “seed” cluster of atoms. The results apply to industrial processes...

Illustration of diamondoid and diamond crystals
Illustration of diamondoid and diamond crystals
News Feature

Former Stanford and UC-Berkeley physicist is honored for foundational research that peers into unconventional phenomena within exotic materials.

Photo: Ming Yi
News Feature

Tony Heinz and Z-X Shen will receive funding for research focused on catalysis and novel states of matter.


This video explains how researchers at SLAC are using a method known as ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) to develop an atomic-level understanding of how...

News Feature

By observing changes in materials as they’re being synthesized, scientists hope to learn how they form and come up with recipes for making the...

Polymorph formation
Press Release

SLAC’s high-speed ‘electron camera’ shows for the first time the coexistence of solid and liquid in laser-heated gold, providing new clues for designing materials...

UED Gold Melting
This movie shows the transition of a gold sample from a solid (dotted pattern) to a liquid (ring pattern) after...
UED Gold Melting

This animation shows the results of a recent study at SLAC, in which researchers used a powerful beam of electrons to watch gold melt...

UED Gold Melting
News Feature

Tais Gorkhover, Michael Kagan, Kazuhiro Terao and Joshua Turner will each receive $2.5 million for research that studies fundamental particles, nanoscale objects, quantum materials...

Photos of SLAC's 2018 Early Career Award winners