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Materials science RSS feed

 SLAC develops materials to improve the performance of batteries, fuel cells and other energy technologies and set the stage for technologies of the future.

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Energy sciences

In materials hit with light, individual atoms and vibrations take disorderly paths.

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Researchers produced an underwater sound with an intensity that eclipses that of a rocket launch while investigating what happens when they blast tiny jets...

Underwater sound
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A laser technique lets researchers see how potentially dangerous growths form in batteries.

Microscopic images of lithium metal buildup in batteries
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In the decade since LCLS produced its first light, it has pushed boundaries in countless areas of discovery.

Undulator Hall
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Researchers used a unique approach to learn more about what happens to silicon under intense pressure.

silicon waves
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X-ray laser snapshots give scientists a new tool for probing trillionths-of-a-second atomic motions in 2-D materials

Experimental station at SLAC's LCLS X-ray laser where the study was done
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The newly launched Quantum Fundamentals, ARchitecture and Machines initiative will build upon existing strengths in theoretical and experimental quantum science and engineering at Stanford...

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Watching electrons sprint between atomically thin layers of material will shed light on the fundamental workings of semiconductors, solar cells and other key technologies.

Illustration of electrons giving off electromagnetic waves as they travel between two materials
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Ultrafast manipulation of material properties with light could stimulate the development of novel electronics, including quantum computers.

Topological Switch Lead Art
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A new study is a step forward in understanding why perovskite materials work so well in energy devices and potentially leads the way toward...

Scattered neutrons off perovskite material.
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Revealed for the first time by a new X-ray laser technique, their surprisingly unruly response has profound implications for designing and controlling materials.

Illustration of laser light setting off vibrations in material
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Two studies led by SLAC and Stanford capture electron 'sound waves' and identify a positive feedback loop that may boost superconducting temperatures.

Illustration of study that reveals how coordinated motions of atoms boost superconductivity
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Switches like this one, discovered with SLAC’s ultrafast ‘electron camera’, could offer a new, simple path to storing data in next-generation devices.

Single Pulse Material Switch