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X-ray spectroscopy RSS feed

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X-ray crystallography

News Brief

Fan’s X-ray crystallography work at SLAC’s synchrotron moves us closer to a more protective coronavirus vaccine and a better understanding of how vital materials...

Fan wins this year's Klein award from SSRL.
News Feature

By revealing the chemistry of plant secretions, or exudates, these studies build a basis for better understanding and conserving art and tools made with...

Plant secretion from what is called "grass tree."
Press Release

The facility, LCLS-II, will soon sharpen our view of how nature works on ultrasmall, ultrafast scales, impacting everything from quantum devices to clean energy.

LCLS-II cooldown
Now that the cavities have been cooled, the next step is to pump them with more than a megawatt of...
Cryomodule cavity animation
News Feature

A physical chemist and a diverse group of his students are working on applications with nanoscopic diamonds.

Three side-by-side portraits.
News Feature

New research questions ‘whiff of oxygen’ in Earth’s early history.

Blue and purple image showing cracks where arsenic and copper entered a shale sample.
News Feature

A better understanding of this process could inform the next generation of artificial photosynthetic systems that produce clean and renewable energy.

water droplets on plant
News Brief

Scientists who perform experiments at SLAC’s lightsources gathered online for research talks, workshops and discussions.

Aerial view of industrial-looking research buildings
News Feature

The award recognizes Aitbekova's work on catalysts, including a new catalyst that may revolutionize car emission controls.

A portrait of a woman wearing a tan shirt.
News Feature

Their work aims to bridge two approaches to driving the reaction – one powered by heat, the other by electricity – with the goal...

A ball-and-stick illustration of a single nickel atom (green) bonded to nitrogen atoms (blue) on the surface of a carbon material. The arrangement allows the nickel atoms to catalyze two types of reactions involved in making fuel from CO2.
News Feature

Belopolski has made key discoveries about Weyl semimetals and topological magnets, systems in which quantum effects produce new emergent particles with exotic electronic and...

Portrait of Ilya Belopolski
News Brief

Petroglyphs are carved in a material called rock varnish, the origins of which have been debated for years. Now, scientists argue it’s the result...

Rock art featuring human and animal forms and handprints