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X-ray light sources and electron imaging RSS feed

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News Feature

Researchers have found a new way to probe molecules and atoms with an X-ray laser, setting off cascading bursts of light that reveal precise...

Image - An X-ray pulse at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source strikes a neon atom, causing electrons to reshuffle and then re-emit light at a slightly different X-ray wavelength, and also stimulating a chain reaction of amplified light in neighboring atoms
Marc Messerschmidt, a staff scientist at the Coherent X-ray Imaging (CXI) experimental station at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser, describes his daily...
Backstory: Marc Messerschmidt, Staff Scientist
Press Release

A study shows for the first time that X-ray lasers can be used to generate a complete 3-D model of a protein without any...

See caption
News Feature

Scientists in SLAC's Integrated Circuits Department reach a new frontier in ultrafast X-ray science with intricately designed signal-processing chips that translate particles of light...

Four ePix100 prototype chips bonded in a test setup. (Brad Plummer/SLAC)

John Bozek, an instrument scientist at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source takes us behind the scenes at the Atomic, Molecular and Optical Science Instrument...

News Feature

Scientists working at SLAC, Stanford, Oxford, Berkeley Lab and in Tokyo have discovered a new type of quantum material whose lopsided behavior may lend...

Yulin Chen (Brad Plummer/SLAC)
Press Release

Scientists used the powerful X-ray laser at the U.S. Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to create movies detailing trillionths-of-a-second changes in the...

thin samples of copper, iron and titanium
Public Lecture Poster
Molecules in the Spotlight
Public Lecture Poster
The physics of super lasers
Public Lecture Poster
ZAP! The X-Ray Laser is Born
Press Release

The first complete chemical analysis of feathers from Archaeopteryx, a famous fossil linking dinosaurs and birds, reveals that the feathers were patterned—light in color...

Paleontologists examine Berlin Archaeopteryx counter plate (Brad Plummer/SLAC)
Press Release

At first glance the beautifully bound 1797 Luigi Cherubini opera Médée looks like an impeccably preserved relic of opera's golden age. However, flip to...

Image - Thick smudges black out parts of an aria from Luigi Cherubini's 1797 opera "Medee." (Courtesy Uwe Bergmann)