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X-ray light sources and electron imaging RSS feed

See content related to X-ray light sources and electron imaging here below.

Aerial view of SLAC

News Feature

With a new suite of tools, scientists discovered exactly how tiny plate-like catalyst particles carry out a key step in that conversion – the...

Illustration of nanoscale catalyst particles.
News Feature

Derived from microscopic algae, the rare, light-driven enzyme converts fatty acids into starting ingredients for solvents and fuels.

Illustration of molecular structure of an enzyme that is powered by sunlight
News Feature

Exploring and manipulating the behavior of polar vortices in materials may lead to new technology for faster data transfer and storage.

polar vortices
News Brief

Two groups of researchers drew on SLAC tools to better understand how to target a key part of the virus that causes COVID-19.

Illustration of SARS-CoV-2, a round ball with spikes.
News Feature

SSRL and LCLS scientists will help visiting research teams solve their experimental challenges, then apply what they’ve learned to help others work more efficiently.

Diagram of a complex molecule
News Brief

It can help operators optimize the performance of X-ray lasers, electron microscopes, medical accelerators and other devices that depend on high-quality beams.

Artistic representation of a neural network superimposed on an electron beam profile
News Feature

This new understanding could aid the development of more efficient clean energy sources.

electron transfer
News Feature

A better understanding of the failure process will help researchers design new materials that can better withstand intense events such as high-velocity impacts.

material failure
News Feature

When upgrades to the X-ray laser at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are complete, the powerful new machine will capture up...

Infographic on LCLS-II data.
News Feature

Scientists get dramatically better resolution at X-ray free-electron lasers with a new technique.

News Feature

A promising lead halide perovskite is great at converting sunlight to electricity, but it breaks down at room temperature. Now scientists have discovered how...

Lead halide material being squeezed in a diamond anvil cell.
News Feature

The surprising results offer a way to boost the activity and stability of catalysts for making hydrogen fuel from water.

Illustration showing a book with layers of atoms on its pages