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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

Scientists are using plasma to create electronic sensors that will track the health of astronauts.

News Feature

Now the startup, Lumeras LLC, has a viable commercial product, and scientists have a new tool for studying the behavior of complex materials.

Lumeras founder Andrew Merriam, left, and SLAC/Stanford Professor Zhi-Xun Shen with a tabletop laser the company developed
News Feature

What’s the difference between a synchrotron and a cyclotron, anyway?

News Feature

Four Stanford students receive funding for work on novel accelerators and beams for SLAC's X-ray laser.

News Feature

Science-interested teens spent a week at the lab learning more about STEM at the inaugural Greene Scholars Program Summer Science Institute at SLAC.

News Feature

Yi Cui and colleagues have developed new ways to improve hydrogen production and rechargeable zinc batteries.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The Neutrino Turns 60

Project Poltergeist led to the discovery of the ghostly particle.

News Feature

The results are an important step in designing these solid-state devices for computer memories that would operate much faster, last longer and use less...

News Feature

A SLAC/Stanford study opens a new path to producing laser pulses that are just billionths of a billionth of a second long by inducing...

Stanford graduate student Georges Ndabashimiye in the PULSE Institute laser lab
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

What Is a “Particle”?

Quantum physics says everything is made of particles, but what does that actually mean?

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

1,000 Meters Below

Meet the world’s deepest underground physics facilities.

News Feature

Finding ways to handle torrents of data from LSST and LCLS-II will also advance “exascale” computing.