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Particle physics RSS feed

Working at the forefront of particle physics, SLAC scientists use powerful particle accelerators to create and study nature’s fundamental building blocks and forces, build sensitive detectors to search for new particles and develop theories that explain and guide experiments. SLAC's particle physicists want to understand our universe – from its smallest constituents to its largest structures.

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Physics of the universe
Elementary particle physics

Particles collide in this illustration

News Feature

Scientists in SLAC's Integrated Circuits Department reach a new frontier in ultrafast X-ray science with intricately designed signal-processing chips that translate particles of light...

Four ePix100 prototype chips bonded in a test setup. (Brad Plummer/SLAC)
Public Lecture Poster
Neutrinos Get Under Your Skin
News Feature

SLAC particle theorist Lance Dixon has been named co-winner of the 2014 J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, awarded each year by the...

Photo – SLAC particle theorist Lance Dixon, one of th...
News Feature

The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to theorists Peter Higgs and Francois Englert to recognize their work developing the theory of what...

ATLAS event display of a Higgs to four electrons candidate event. (courtesy CERN)
News Feature

Three theoretical physicists have taken an important step toward eliminating theoretical ambiguities from the staggeringly complicated mathematics used to explore the interactions of quarks...

SLAC particle theorist Stan Brodsky (Matt Beardsley/SLAC)
News Feature

For the 41st annual Particle Physics & Astrophysics Department’s SLAC Summer Institute (SSI), organizers introduced a successful new feature.

News Feature

Theorists from the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology are helping dark matter sleuths decide where to start their search.

KIPAC theorists (l to r) Louis Strigari, Risa Wechsler and Yao-Yuan Mao discussing dark matter velocity distributions. (Credit: Luis Fernandez.)
News Feature

Scientists analyzing data from theScientists analyzing data from the BaBar experiment, which operated at SLAC between 1999 and 2008, recently published the results of...

Image - Cartoon elephant BaBar vanishing in suit.
Press Release

Menlo Park, Calif. — Time marches relentlessly forward for you and me; watch a movie in reverse, and you’ll quickly see something is amiss.

Illustration - Big letter "B"s change color to represent transforming B mesons
News Feature

The search for dark matter runs deep with physicists Blas Cabrera and Bernard Sadoulet, who have chased this mystery far underground and will be...

Side by side photos of Blas Cabrera and Bernard Sadoulet
News Feature

Spokespersons for CMS and ATLAS, the two biggest experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, announced yesterday that both experiments have found strong hints in...

Scientists, journalists and others converging at CERN
News Feature

Cooks think of watched pots. Handymen grumble about drying paint.

A very clean Knut Skarpaas, SLAC engineer, with half of the equally clean detector (Photo courtesy EXO collaboration.)