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Fundamental physics RSS feed

SLAC fundamental physics researchers study everything from elementary particles produced in accelerators to the large-scale structure of the universe. 

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Fundamental physics concept illustration

View of the BaBar detector (about six meters in diameter) with staff scientist Michael Kelsey analyzing problems during a shutdown...
BaBar detector

In this conceptual art, an electron and positron collide, resulting in a B meson (not shown) and an antimatter B-bar meson, which then decays...

Concept Art: B to D-Star-Tau-Nu
Public Lecture Poster
Space: The Hunt for Hidden Dimensions
Public Lecture Poster
Neutrinos Get Under Your Skin
News Feature

SLAC particle theorist Lance Dixon has been named co-winner of the 2014 J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, awarded each year by the...

Photo – SLAC particle theorist Lance Dixon, one of th...
News Feature

The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to theorists Peter Higgs and Francois Englert to recognize their work developing the theory of what...

ATLAS event display of a Higgs to four electrons candidate event. (courtesy CERN)
News Feature

Three theoretical physicists have taken an important step toward eliminating theoretical ambiguities from the staggeringly complicated mathematics used to explore the interactions of quarks...

SLAC particle theorist Stan Brodsky (Matt Beardsley/SLAC)
SLAC particle theorist Stan Brodsky has learned how to dive into the equations of particle physics to look for deeper meaning.
video stillframe of Stan Brodsky
News Feature

For the 41st annual Particle Physics & Astrophysics Department’s SLAC Summer Institute (SSI), organizers introduced a successful new feature.

Public Lecture Poster
Whispers of the big bang
News Feature

Three SLAC scientists will receive Early Career Research Program grants from the U.S. Department of Energy for research to boost the peak power of...

Photos - From left, Thomas Bligaard, Stefan Hoeche and Juhao Wu. (Credits: Matt Beardsley, Juhao Wu)
News Feature

A record-setting blast of gamma rays from a dying star in a distant galaxy has wowed astronomers around the world.

Image - Superbright gamma-ray burst