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Fundamental physics RSS feed

SLAC fundamental physics researchers study everything from elementary particles produced in accelerators to the large-scale structure of the universe. 

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Fundamental physics concept illustration

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Research Abroad, CERN Style

Students from US universities work on LHC experiments through a new research abroad program.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

A ‘crack in the cosmic egg’

The recent BICEP2 discovery of evidence for cosmic inflation might point to new physics.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Tracking Particles Faster at the LHC

A new trigger system will expand what ATLAS scientists can look for during high-energy collisions at the Large Hadron Collider.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Not Just Old Codgers

During a day of talks at Stanford University, theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind explained “Why I Teach Physics to Old Codgers, and How It Got...

News Feature

An analysis using LHC data verifies the existence of an exotic four-quark hadron.

News Feature

From accelerators unexpectedly beneath your feet to a ferret that once cleaned accelerator components, symmetry shares some lesser-known facts about particle accelerators.

News Feature

Scientists from the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology are helping build cameras for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, an advanced, ground-based gamma-ray observatory.

Photo - A photomultiplier module undergoing testing
News Feature

Scientists say collisions between dark matter particles might be the cause of a curious excess of gamma-ray light coming from the center of our...

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The Oldest Light in the Universe

The Cosmic Microwave Background, leftover light from the big bang, carries a wealth of information about the universe—for those who can read it.

News Feature

Two scientists at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory made key contributions to the discovery of the first direct evidence for cosmic inflation...

Image - The BICEP2 detector shown in this electron-beam micrograph works by converting the light from the cosmic microwave background into heat. A titanium film tuned on its transition to a superconducting state makes a sensitive thermometer.
Press Release

Researchers from the BICEP2 collaboration have announced the first direct evidence supporting the theory of cosmic inflation. Their data also represent the first images...

The Dark Sector Lab (DSL)
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

‘Particle Fever’ Opens in the US

Particle Fever is a documentary that follows scientists involved in research at the Large Hadron Collider, including the ATLAS Experiment in which SLAC participates...