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Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm delivered this speech on the successful completion of the world’s most powerful X-ray laser at SLAC National Accelerator...

Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm delivering a speech at SLAC
Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm joins 600 SLAC staff and collaborators in celebrating LCLS-II first light.
LCLS-II First Light Celebration group photo
Press Release

Physicist and scientific leader Sarrao will become SLAC’s sixth director and succeeds X-ray scientist Chi-Chang Kao, who stepped down after 10 years in the...

Headshot of John Sarrao
Press Release

Under his 10-year leadership, the lab has significantly expanded its research and impact.

Chi-Chang Kao
News Feature

One of 17 national laboratories supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, SLAC is also marking its 60th anniversary this year.

Aerial view of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a Department of Energy national lab run by Stanford in the heart of Silicon Valley. We invent scientific tools...

About SLAC video still frame
News Feature

The leaders of SLAC's Technology Innovation Directorate discuss how their group supports the lab's most innovative projects.

TID senior managers
News Feature

SLAC’s Matt Garrett and Susan Simpkins talk about tech transfer that brings innovations from the national lab to the people, including advances for medical...

Tech Transfer
News Feature

The process, which also facilitates name changes for religious, marital and other reasons, allows researchers of all genders to own their academic work by...

Name Change
News Feature

She toured the lab’s powerful X-ray laser, looked at the construction of the world’s largest digital camera, and discussed climate research, industries of the...

Secretary Granholm virtual visit
News Feature

Edward Hohenstein, Emma McBride and Caterina Vernieri study what happens to molecules hit by light, recreate extreme states of matter like those inside stars...

Early Career Awardees 2021
News Feature

Daniel Ratner, head of SLAC’s machine learning initiative, explains the lab’s unique opportunities to advance scientific discovery through machine learning.

Physicist Daniel Ratner.