SLAC topics

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 Department of Energy headquarters building

News Feature

The SLAC scientists will each receive $2.5 million for their research on fusion energy and advanced radiofrequency technology.

News Feature

Combined with the lab’s LCLS X-ray laser, it’ll provide unprecedented atomic views of some of nature’s speediest processes.

Alex Reid, ultrafast electron diffraction (UED)
News Feature

Four large meshes made from 2 miles of metal wire will extract potential signals of dark matter particles.

LZ Grids Weaving
News Feature

SLAC completed its work on ComCam, a commissioning device to be installed in Chile later this year.

News Feature

Building the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope also means solving extraordinary technological challenges.

LSST camera engineering
News Feature

Its electron beams will drive the generation of up to a million ultrabright X-ray flashes per second.

LCLS-II first electron beam
News Feature

SLAC’s ‘electron camera’ films rapidly melting tungsten and reveals atomic-level material behavior that could impact the design of future reactors.

Tungsten melting
News Feature

Monika Schleier-Smith and Kent Irwin explain how their projects in quantum information science could help us better understand black holes and dark matter.

News Feature

SLAC Director Chi-Chang Kao spoke to the Stanford University Faculty Senate at its Feb. 21 meeting.

Chi-Chang Kao at Stanford Faculty Senate meeting
Press Release

SLAC and Stanford researchers secure support for two projects that share one goal: to reduce the side effects of radiation therapy by vastly shrinking...

Researchers at SLAC and Stanford are developing new accelerator-based technology that aims to speed up cancer radiation therapy.
News Feature

An advisory committee is evaluating proposals for first experiments at SLAC’s future FACET-II accelerator facility.

FACET-II First Electrons
News Feature

Representatives from industry, national laboratories and the investment sector explored partnerships in energy storage innovation.

Photo: Paul Dabbar at the XLab Summit at SLAC