SLAC topics

Dark energy RSS feed

Scientists study the force that drives that acceleration, dubbed “dark energy,” with deep astronomical surveys that look at how the distribution of galaxies has changed over billions of years.

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Physics of the universe
Astrophysics and cosmology

An observatory bathed in red light against a starry night sky

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Physics for the people

Citizen scientists dive into particle physics and astrophysics research.

News Feature

Honored for early theoretical predictions that helped elucidate the nature of the strong force and the structure of the proton, he is still shaking...

SLAC theoretical physicist James D. "BJ" Bjorken
News Feature
via Symmetry Magazine

Mirror, Mirror

After more than six years of grinding and polishing, the first-ever dual-surface mirror for a major telescope is complete.

Press Release

Plans to build the world’s largest digital camera at SLAC have reached a major milestone, with funding approval for the 3,200-megapixel camera. The camera...

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Cosmic Inflation

Cosmic inflation refers to a period of rapid, accelerated expansion that scientists think took place about 14 billion years ago.

News Feature

In September, DES will make data collected in its first season freely available to researchers.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Open Access to the Universe

A team of scientists generated a giant cosmic simulation—and now they're giving it away.

News Feature

LSST Will Capture Unprecedented View of Night Sky

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

How to Weigh a Galaxy Cluster

Step on a scale and you’ll get a quick measure of your weight. Weighing galaxy clusters, groups of hundreds or thousands of galaxies bound...

News Feature

The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel’s report, released today, recommends a strategic path forward for US particle physics.

News Feature

The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel’s recommendations will set the course for the future of particle physics in the United States.

Snomass 2013 Opening
News Feature

Two scientists at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory made key contributions to the discovery of the first direct evidence for cosmic inflation...

Image - The BICEP2 detector shown in this electron-beam micrograph works by converting the light from the cosmic microwave background into heat. A titanium film tuned on its transition to a superconducting state makes a sensitive thermometer.