SLAC topics

Dark energy RSS feed

Scientists study the force that drives that acceleration, dubbed “dark energy,” with deep astronomical surveys that look at how the distribution of galaxies has changed over billions of years.

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Physics of the universe
Astrophysics and cosmology

An observatory bathed in red light against a starry night sky


LSST is currently under construction in Chile. The U.S. Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is leading the construction of the LSST camera...

Stillframe image of Vera Rubin Observatory
News Feature

KIPAC’s Ralf Kaehler and Tom Abel contributed two scenes to the science documentary narrated by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The Contents of the Universe

How do scientists know what percentages of the universe are made up of dark matter and dark energy?

News Feature

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument will measure light from 35 million cosmic objects for new insights into what causes the universe to expand faster...

News Feature

KIPAC researchers mourn the loss of the Hitomi spacecraft but are thrilled about the data it was still able to capture.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Following LIGO’s Treasure Maps

Astronomers around the world are looking for visible sources of gravitational waves.

News Feature

It will provide new insights into the physics of black holes, the formation of chemical elements, stars and galaxies, and the evolution of the...

News Feature

Next-generation telescopic surveys will work hand-in-hand with supercomputers to study the nature of dark energy.

News Feature

Fermi scientist Matthew Wood discusses major improvements to the Fermi Large Area Telescope, including increasing its sensitivity to the equivalent of launching another LAT.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Cleanroom is a Verb

It’s not easy being clean.

News Feature

The DOE has approved the project’s scientific scope, schedule and funding. SLAC researchers are among the 200 physicists and astronomers who make up the...

Press Release

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope’s ‘Eye’ Will be Built at SLAC.