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X-ray light sources and electron imaging RSS feed

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The side-to-side motion of electrons in a beam can be circular, elliptical, or linear, depending on the position of the Delta undulator's magnet rows...

A graphic of the Delta undulator showing circular, elliptical and linear polarization of light.
News Feature

A new device at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory allows researchers to explore the properties and dynamics of molecules with circularly...

Electrons spiral through the Delta undulator.
News Feature

Manipulating electron beams of X-ray lasers with regular laser light could potentially open up new scientific avenues.

Beam of electrons illustration.
Press Release

High-speed X-ray camera reveals ultrafast atomic motions at the root of organisms’ ability to turn light into biological function.

a protein from photosynthetic bacteria
News Feature

The lab’s signature particle highway prepares to enter another era of transformative science as the home of the LCLS-II X-ray laser.

SLAC linear accelerator building at sunset
News Feature

The Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center can help researchers who lack equipment for testing hundreds of different crystallization conditions or expertise in working with challenging...

This movie introduces LCLS-II, a future light source at SLAC. It will generate over 8,000 times more light pulses per second than today’s most...
LCLS-II: The Next Leap for X-ray Science
Press Release

Scientists have used X-rays to observe exactly how silver electrical contacts form during manufacturing of solar modules.

News Feature

Scientists have determined in atomic detail how a potential drug molecule fits into and blocks a channel in cell membranes that Ebola and related...

Alex Kintzer and Robert Stroud at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light Source.
News Feature

Toward next-generation electronics, better medications and green energy solutions: "The First Five Years" point to a bright future of high-impact discovery at LCLS.

News Feature

Contributions to LIGO have come from many Stanford teams, including SLAC, Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautics and Astronautics and the School of Earth, Energy...

News Feature

This surprising finding has potentially broad implications, from X-ray imaging of single particles to fusion research.