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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

Sulfur Cathode Experiments Test Chemistry Beyond Conventional Lithium-Ion

Photo - scientist preparing a dime-sized prototype battery
News Feature

Linear Accelerator Generates First Positron Beams Since 2008

Photo – FACET instruments, including plasma oven for plasma wakefield experiments.
News Feature

Detecting new physics isn’t quite like detecting cat videos—yet.

News Feature

Together, three experiments, two with major SLAC contributions, will search for a variety of types of dark matter particles.

This composite image shows the galaxy cluster 1E 0657-56, also known as the "bullet cluster."
Press Release

SLAC, Stanford Advance Will Benefit Thousands of Computational Studies in Wide Range of Fields

Press Release

Using high-brilliance X-rays, researchers track the process that fuel cells use to produce electricity, knowledge that will help make large-scale

News Feature

Two years after the groundbreaking discovery of the Higgs boson, physicists are still hard at work.

News Feature

SLAC scientist Michael Kelsey sees connections between the communities of physicists and do-it-yourselfers.

Michael Kelsey
News Feature

Grad Students and Postdocs Get a Crash Course in Using X-ray Lasers

Archana Raja, a graduate student at Columbia University, explains her group’s poster presentation at SLAC’s Ultrafast X-ray Summer Seminar.
News Feature

Two dark matter hunters with decades of experience between them are turning SLAC into their base of operations for LZ, the next big dark...

Photo - Dark matter hunters Thomas Shutt (l) and Daniel Akerib.
News Feature

Stanford researcher Thomas F. Jaramillo has been named SUNCAT’s new deputy director for experiments. He succeeds SLAC’s Anders Nilsson.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Getting the Jump on Big Data for LSST

Efforts are already underway to ensure that the data the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope  collects will be ready to be mined for scientific gold.