SLAC topics

Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology (PAC) RSS feed

To explore the birth of the universe, star and galaxy formation and the structure of space and time, SLAC researchers help develop cutting-edge technologies for a range of sensitive experiments.

Speed of hydrogen gas in a rotating galaxy.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Vera Rubin, giant of astronomy

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will be named for an influential astronomer who left the field better than she found it.

Vera Rubin
News Feature

His work aims to deepen our understanding of dark matter, dark energy and other secrets of the universe.

Photo of Panofsky fellow Daniel Gruen
News Feature

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument begins final testing, setting the stage for a 5-year survey that will analyze the light of 35 million galaxies.

DESI ‘eyes’
News Feature

Early-career physicist Jonathan LeyVa helps build one of the world’s most sensitive dark matter detectors.

Jonathan LeyVa/SuperCDMS
News Feature

An “out there” theory inspired the development of the Dark Matter Radio, a device that could explain the mysterious matter that makes up 85...

Dark Matter Radio
News Feature

A SLAC/Stanford study of the population of satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way provides new clues about the particle nature of dark matter.

Dark matter simulation
News Feature

Four large meshes made from 2 miles of metal wire will extract potential signals of dark matter particles.

LZ Grids Weaving
News Feature

Building the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope also means solving extraordinary technological challenges.

LSST camera engineering
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

An astronomical data challenge

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will track billions of objects for 10 years, creating unprecedented opportunities for studies of cosmic mysteries.

LSST data management.
News Feature

Scientists, including researchers at SLAC, have only just begun to study the remarkably detailed map they created of a portion of the sky.

DES End of Observations
Press Release

SLAC scientists find a new way to explain how a black hole’s plasma jets boost particles to the highest energies observed in the universe...

Cosmic particle accelerators
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The building boom

These projects, selected during the process to plan the future of US particle physics, are all set to come online within the next 10...

Illustration of various science experiments