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KIPAC brings the power of theory, computation, experiments and observations to bear on astrophysical questions, from the origins of cosmic rays to the structure and evolution of the universe. 

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Kavli Institute for Partical Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) scientist Ralf Kaehler at work here in the "Vizlab."

News Feature

Analyzing the motion of X-ray sources could help researchers identify dark matter signals.

News Feature

Fermi scientist Matthew Wood discusses major improvements to the Fermi Large Area Telescope, including increasing its sensitivity to the equivalent of launching another LAT.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The Booming Science of Dwarf Galaxies

A recent uptick in the discovery of the smallest, oldest galaxies benefits studies of dark matter, galaxy formation and the evolution of the unive

News Feature

When the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) begins in 2022 to take images of the entire southern night sky over and over again for...

photo - two scientists in front of a building - see caption
Press Release

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope’s ‘Eye’ Will be Built at SLAC.


The LSST’s camera will include a filter-changing mechanism and shutter. This animation shows that mechanism at work, which allows the camera to view different...

This animation shows that mechanism at work, which allows the camera to view different wavelengths
News Feature

A batch of newly discovered satellite dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way should help scientists better grasp the evolution of the universe while also...

News Feature

Dark Energy Survey scientists have released a detailed map of dark matter – crucial information for a better understanding of galaxy formation and dark...

News Feature

Reports by groups including Dark Energy Survey and Large Area Telescope scientists may provide new clues about the properties of mysterious dark matter.

News Feature

Two recent meetings at SLAC brought together experts working on computer hardware and software for LSST – a future telescope that will provide unprecedented...

News Feature

A previous study claiming the discovery of gravitational waves as cosmic inflation’s fingerprint has most likely been over-interpreted, scientists found in a joint analysis...

News Feature

SLAC’s team of dark matter hunters recently gained a new member.