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News Feature

Stanford graduate student Spencer Gessner has received a Siemann fellowship to help him continue his research into cutting-edge accelerator physics at SLAC's Facility for...

Photo – Spencer Gessner, 2014 Siemann Fellow
News Feature

FACET postdoc Sébastien Corde has been recognized not once, not twice, not three times, but four times for his research into developing small, economical...

Photo – Sébastien Corde, an accelerator physicist at SLAC, accepts the John Dawson Thesis Prize from plasma physicist Robert Bingham. (Scott Green)
News Feature

Sean Brennan's decades of X-ray expertise keep pulling him back to SLAC even though he formally retired in 2008. During a recent visit to...

Photo - Sean Brennan is pictured here in 1997, his 20...
News Feature

SLAC particle theorist Lance Dixon has been named co-winner of the 2014 J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, awarded each year by the...

Photo – SLAC particle theorist Lance Dixon, one of th...
News Feature

The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to theorists Peter Higgs and Francois Englert to recognize their work developing the theory of what...

ATLAS event display of a Higgs to four electrons candidate event. (courtesy CERN)
News Feature

Dao Xiang, a SLAC accelerator physicist, has received an international award for his work on a technique for tuning an electron beam with a...

Dao Xiang. (Matt Beardsley/SLAC)
News Feature

Guarav "Gino" Giri, who this summer completed his doctoral work in chemical engineering at Stanford, has been selected to receive this year's Melvin P...

Photo - Guarav "Gino" Giri prepares a coating experim...
News Feature

Jonathan Rivnay, a former Stanford graduate student who is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Center of Microelectronics in Provence, France, will receive this...

Photo - Jonathan Rivnay, a former Stanford graduate student, has been selected to receive an annual award in recognition of his synchrotron-based research. (Jonathan Rivnay)
News Feature

Two SLAC physicists with decades of particle accelerator experience helped a Silicon Valley company design and build X-ray devices that scan cargo containers for...

Photo - Juwen Wang, left, and Roger Miller. (Credit: ...
News Feature

Three SLAC scientists will receive Early Career Research Program grants from the U.S. Department of Energy for research to boost the peak power of...

Photos - From left, Thomas Bligaard, Stefan Hoeche and Juhao Wu. (Credits: Matt Beardsley, Juhao Wu)
News Feature

Two SLAC-affiliated professors were recently elected members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Photos of SLAC-affiliated professors Bienenstock (left) and Michelson (right)
News Feature

SLAC Deputy Director Emeritus and Stanford University Hoover Senior Fellow Sidney Drell was one of 12 distinguished researchers presented with the National Medal of...

Photo - Sidney Drell standing with President Obama