The summer school explored upcoming opportunities to expand our understanding of the universe and its fundamental physics, from mysterious dark matter to recently detected...
SLAC and Stanford researchers demonstrate that brain-mimicking ‘neural networks’ can revolutionize the way astrophysicists analyze their most complex data, including extreme distortions in spacetime...
The emeritus physicist was honored for the development of novel detectors that have greatly advanced experiments in particle physics, especially BABAR, which looked into...
System tests at SLAC continue with 32 light sensors - up from a single one - in a small-scale version of the future experiment, which will use nearly 500 of them.
The summer school explored upcoming opportunities to expand our understanding of the universe and its fundamental physics, from mysterious dark matter to recently detected gravitational waves.
SLAC and Stanford researchers demonstrate that brain-mimicking ‘neural networks’ can revolutionize the way astrophysicists analyze their most complex data, including extreme distortions in spacetime that are crucial for our understanding of the universe.
The emeritus physicist was honored for the development of novel detectors that have greatly advanced experiments in particle physics, especially BABAR, which looked into the matter-antimatter imbalance of the universe.