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Energy sciences RSS feed

One of the most urgent challenges of our time is discovering how to generate the energy and products we need sustainably, without compromising the well-being of future generations by depleting limited resources or accelerating climate change. SLAC pursues this goal on many levels.

Studies of atomic-level processes

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A team led by chemists at Stanford University and SLAC has unraveled a longstanding mystery that brings them one step closer to a cleaner...

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The goal of the DuraMat consortium is to make solar modules last longer, and thus drive down the cost of solar energy.

Image of solar panels
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A ‘nonlinear’ phenomenon that seemingly turns materials transparent is seen for the first time in X-rays at SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source.

Illustration of an LCLS experiment in which a sample seemed to disapper
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The White House announced $50 million in funding for ‘Battery500’, a five year effort, as part of a package of initiatives to accelerate adoption...

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Now the startup, Lumeras LLC, has a viable commercial product, and scientists have a new tool for studying the behavior of complex materials.

Lumeras founder Andrew Merriam, left, and SLAC/Stanford Professor Zhi-Xun Shen with a tabletop laser the company developed
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Yi Cui and colleagues have developed new ways to improve hydrogen production and rechargeable zinc batteries.

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Taken at SLAC, microscopic footage of exploding liquids will give researchers more control over experiments at X-ray lasers.

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Many technologies rely upon nanomaterials that can absorb or release atoms quickly and repeatedly. New work provides a first look inside these phase-changing nanoparticles.

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Adding pressure could improve the performance of solar cells made of perovskites, a promising photovoltaic material.

Press Release

Scientists have used X-rays to observe exactly how silver electrical contacts form during manufacturing of solar modules.

Press Release

Wrapping silicon anode particles in custom-fit graphene cages could solve two major obstacles to using silicon in high-capacity lithium ion batteries.

Illustration of silicon particles with and without graphene cages
News Feature

SLAC and Stanford scientists discovered that a single layer of tiny diamonds increases an electron gun’s emission 13,000 fold. Potential applications include electron microscopes...

Nick Melosh holds a model of a diamondoid