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Electron diffraction/microscopy RSS feed

See content related to electron diffraction and electron microscopy techniques here below.

SLAC’s Emma Snively and Mohamed Othman at the lab’s high-speed “electron camera."

News Feature

The microelectronics that power daily life and speed discoveries in science and technology are the focus of a bold new vision to make them...

photo of detector
News Brief

The results  could lead to a better understanding of reactions with vital roles in chemistry and biology. 

News Feature

Researchers have discovered that crystals can twist when they are sandwiched between two substrates – a critical step toward exploring new material properties for...

This image shows a diffraction pattern of gold nanodics between substrates.
News Brief

SSRL's X-ray tools reveal that alcohol groups on a nanodiamond's surface allow one of the world's most valuable materials to bond with one of...

Purple layers surround angular red chunks. These are struck by gold rays, which release white spheres from the purple and red objects.
News Feature

It irons out wrinkles in thin films of these novel superconductors so scientists can see their true nature for the first time. 

Colorized electron microscope images reveal defects in the atomic structure of a nickelate superconductor (right) compared to a defect-free structure (right)
Perovskites’ unusual response to light could explain the high efficiency of these next-generation solar cell materials.
Perovskites’ unusual response to light could explain the high efficiency of these next-generation solar cell materials.
News Feature

An extension of the Stanford Research Computing Facility will host several data centers to handle the unprecedented data streams that will be produced by...

News Feature

The leaders of SLAC's Technology Innovation Directorate discuss how their group supports the lab's most innovative projects.

TID senior managers
News Feature

SLAC’s Matt Garrett and Susan Simpkins talk about tech transfer that brings innovations from the national lab to the people, including advances for medical...

Tech Transfer
News Brief

Sandwiching wiggly proteins between two other layers allows scientists to get the most detailed images yet of a protein that’s key to the spread...

Red molecules are sandwiched between a blue inner shell and purple outer shell.
News Feature

Cryo-EM snapshots of the solid-electrolyte interphase, or SEI, reveal its natural swollen state and offer a new approach to lithium-metal battery design.

A battery's liquid electrolyte clings to small holes in a cryo-EM sample holder.
News Feature

In two new papers, researchers used X-ray crystallography and cryogenic electron microscopy to reveal new details of the structure and function of molecular assembly...

A model of the Lsd14 molecule