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Dark matter RSS feed

One of modern science’s biggest mysteries is dark matter, an invisible form of matter that shapes galaxy rotation and bends rays of light. No one knows what dark matter is, but scientists are carrying out a number of experiments to learn more.

Related links:
Physics of the universe
Astrophysics and cosmology

Formation of dark matter structures.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Waiting for a Sign

Some scientists spend decades trying to catch a glimpse of a rare process.

Press Release

The SuperCDMS SNOLAB project, a multi-institutional effort led by SLAC, is expanding the hunt for dark matter to particles with properties not accessible to...

SuperCDMS Detector 2
News Feature

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will track billions of objects for 10 years, creating unprecedented opportunities for studies of cosmic mysteries.

News Feature

The accomplished particle physicist will prepare the lab for its role in DUNE, a next-generation experiment designed to demystify neutrinos and their fundamental role...

Hirohisa Tanaka
News Feature

Installation of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument begins at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona.

Mayall Telescope Star Trails
News Feature

21 of these "science rafts" will go into the world's largest digital camera for astronomy, which is being assembled and tested at SLAC.

First LSST Science Raft
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Something Borrowed

SLAC engineer Knut Skarpaas designs some of physics’ most challenging machines, finding inspiration in unexpected places.

News Feature

Around the world, scientists and non-scientists alike celebrated the first international Dark Matter Day.

News Feature

The astrophysicist is recognized for her leadership, mentorship and innovative work in understanding how galaxies form.

News Feature

The Advanced LIGO gravitational wave detectors have announced their first observation of a binary neutron star coalescence.

News Feature

System tests at SLAC continue with 32 light sensors - up from a single one - in a small-scale version of the future experiment...

LZ PMT Array
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

A Radio for Dark Matter

Instead of searching for dark matter particles, a new device will search for dark matter waves.

Dark Matter Radio Team