SLAC topics

Astrophysics and cosmology RSS feed

SLAC’s astrophysicists and cosmologists pursue top-priority research on topics including dark matter and dark energy, the formation of galaxies and cosmic evolution. 

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Astrophysics and cosmology

Dwarf Galaxy 3.

News Feature

A record-setting blast of gamma rays from a dying star in a distant galaxy has wowed astronomers around the world.

Image - Superbright gamma-ray burst
Press Release

A new study confirms what scientists have long suspected: Cosmic rays – energetic particles that pelt Earth from all directions – are born in...

Artist's rendition of a supernova shock wave
News Feature

Black holes are the ultimate Bogeyman.

Image - Black hole simulation with accretion disk and...
News Feature

The search for dark matter runs deep with physicists Blas Cabrera and Bernard Sadoulet, who have chased this mystery far underground and will be...

Side by side photos of Blas Cabrera and Bernard Sadoulet
Press Release

Menlo Park, Calif. — A 3.2 billion-pixel digital camera designed by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is now one step closer to reality.

News Feature

Cooks think of watched pots. Handymen grumble about drying paint.

A very clean Knut Skarpaas, SLAC engineer, with half of the equally clean detector (Photo courtesy EXO collaboration.)