SLAC topics

Astrophysics and cosmology RSS feed

SLAC’s astrophysicists and cosmologists pursue top-priority research on topics including dark matter and dark energy, the formation of galaxies and cosmic evolution. 

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Astrophysics and cosmology

Dwarf Galaxy 3.

News Feature

Underground experiment passes critical DOE review and prepares for startup in 2020.

News Feature

Three recent studies using data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have expanded the hunt for unexplained signals coming from beyond our galaxy.

News Feature

A previously detected, anomalously large X-ray signal is absent in new Hitomi satellite data, setting tighter limits for a dark matter interpretation.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The Contents of the Universe

How do scientists know what percentages of the universe are made up of dark matter and dark energy?

News Feature

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument will measure light from 35 million cosmic objects for new insights into what causes the universe to expand faster...

News Feature

The scientists develop methods to study neutrinos from star explosions and search for unknown particles and forces with possible ties to dark matter.

News Feature

In its final run, the LUX experiment increased its sensitivity four-fold, but dark matter remains elusive.

News Feature

The goal: Develop high-tech coatings that make the detector’s mirrors less “noisy”.

Press Release

Before Hitomi died, it sent back X-ray data that explain how turbulent motions may prevent cooling of hot gas.

News Feature

A small-scale version of the future detector allows researchers and engineers to test, develop and troubleshoot various aspects of its technology.

News Feature

KIPAC researchers mourn the loss of the Hitomi spacecraft but are thrilled about the data it was still able to capture.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Following LIGO’s Treasure Maps

Astronomers around the world are looking for visible sources of gravitational waves.