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The results, which show that ultrafast atomic motions are the first step in forming a magnetic state, could lead to faster and more efficient data storage devices.

Charge transfer

The lab’s X-ray laser recently joined other facilities in making remote science possible from any corner of the world, a trend that will likely continue into the future.

Remote experiments in the control room at LCLS

The results of a new scientific study reveal how photosynthetic reaction centers adapt to make light-driven reactions more efficient.

photosynthesis header

Most new materials are discovered near the proverbial shore. Now, scientists deploy artificial intelligence and high-throughput experimental techniques to search previously uncharted waters to find revolutionary new materials.

A ship sails along a coastline, while a sea monster swims near an island where treasure can be found.

A better understanding of how this happens could help researchers hone future electronic measurements and offer insights into how X-rays interact with matter on ultrafast time scales.

Image - Artist's rendering of two laser beams striking sample.

SLAC cosmologists are using multiple images of the same quasars, produced by massive galaxies’ gravitational pull, to calibrate cosmic distances. Their work may help resolve long-standing debates about how quickly the universe is expanding.

Light from a distant quasar bends around a galaxy, creating four images of the quasar.
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Meet the kaon

Nearly 75 years after the puzzling first detection of the kaon, scientists are still looking to the particle for hints of physics beyond their current understanding.

A board game called "Strange Kaons"

The center complements other NIH centers at SLAC and elsewhere that broaden access to this cutting-edge technology for biomedical research.

Cryo-EM images of yeast cells with contents highlighted

Images reveal how some antibodies may block SARS-CoV-2 infection.

A rendering of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

SLAC and Stanford partner with two Illinois universities to create the Center for Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials, which aims to unravel mysteries associated with exotic superconductors, topological insulators and strange metals.

Illustration of quantum processes

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