Greg Stewart
Senior Graphic Designer
As a graphic designer at SLAC, Greg has been crafting engaging and eye-catching visuals since 2006. His design and 3D skills are powerful assets in the fight for compelling scientific graphics and visualization.
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Created by Greg Stewart
This animation shows how krypton (red) is removed from xenon gas (blue) by flowing the combined gases through a column...
September 14, 2022
A cross section of the LCLS-II accelerator showing where liquid and gaseous helium flow in and out of the system.
August 30, 2022
Now that the cavities have been cooled, the next step is to pump them with more than a megawatt of...
May 9, 2022
A half-mile-long stretch of tunnel in Menlo Park, California is now colder than most of the universe.
May 9, 2022
The linac is equipped with two world-class helium cryoplants.
May 9, 2022